Autumn Pet Fair (2021) <VenusFort>

  • 2021-09-18 ~ 2021-09-26
  • Aomi area

We will be holding various fun fairs at the pet shop!

During the event period, VenusFort will be holding various fairs that includes sales where you can shop at the participating stores, complimentary gifts, planned events, and more.

Overview of the event

  • Period: 9/18 (Sat) - 9/26 (Sun)
  • Participating stores: JOKER'S TOWN / snobbish babies / PET PARADISE / WANDAWAY / DOG DEPT / Slack. Lifestyle Wiz Pet / Memory Shop / GRILL & BAR USHISUKE

Pet photo contest "Shop Award" announcement!

We will announce the various "Shop Award" winners of the pet photo contest, for which we received entries from 8/23 (Mon) to 9/5 (Sun).

Please see the official event page for details.

Event Information

Places to See in the Area

  • MAP(PDF)
  • 臨海副都心エリアのメタTourismマップ
  • お台場の歩き方
  • FREE Wifi