[limited-time offer] vf Street Piano <VenusFort>

  • 2020-11-14 ~ 2020-11-30
  • Aomi area

A street piano will appear at VenusFort for a limited time in the liberating church Square !!
Post your performance on SNS such as Instagram and Twitter and share it with everyone!

[Period and location]
November 14th (Sat) -November 30th (Mon), 2020 2nd floor Church Square
[open time]
13:00 - 18:00
[Upright piano decoration]
Spray Artist AKI

■SNS Post (SNS such as Instagram and Twitter)
Please take photos or videos of your performance at the Church Square on the 2nd floor of the building and post them with the hashtag "#vf Street Piano".

* Although it can be used free of charge, it may not be possible to perform temporarily due to events on the part of the organizer.
* Please note that admission may be refused if the number of people in the area is reached.

Event Information

Places to See in the Area

  • MAP(PDF)
  • 臨海副都心エリアのメタTourismマップ
  • お台場の歩き方
  • FREE Wifi