Experience the SDGs through 360-degree images—Challenges in faraway countries are developing on the same planet<Miraikan>

  • 2023-03-19 ~ 2023-03-26
  • Aomi area

◆Exhibit Outline

  • Name
    Experience the SDGs through 360-degree images—Challenges in faraway countries are developing on the same planet
  • Period
    Saturday, March 18, 2023 to Sunday, March 26, 9 days
  • Event Times
  • Venue
    Miraikan 1F Communication Lobby
  • Organized
    Ricoh Co., Ltd.
  • Co-sponsored
    General Incorporated Association Kopernik Japan
  • Entrance fee

◆Exhibit Summary

  • Dome 360-degree video theater
  • VR goggles 360-degree video viewing corner
  • Panel on challenges regarding the last one mile
  • Solution activities exhibition corner
  • Digital message board

◆Corner introduction

① Reception

Stop here first to listen to how you can experience this event!

② VR for SDGS (VR goggles)

Wear VR goggles to experience a 360-degree video on faraway countries.
* Those under age 13 are not allowed for this experience.

③ Panel of SDGs' challenges

Think about the challenges and issues that may exist based on the 360-degree video on the world's conditions! For an example of solution activities, see "SDGs' Solution Items Exhibition.

④ SDGs' Solution Items Exhibition

An example of solution activities that are being used. What do they use? How did they use them? What problems were solved?

⑤ Everyone's message board

Having watched the conditions of areas with trouble and thought about the challenges, how can the SDGs be achieved? Write down your opinion.

Event Information

Places to See in the Area

  • MAP(PDF)
  • 臨海副都心エリアのメタTourismマップ
  • お台場の歩き方
  • FREE Wifi