Peek into the exciting and fascinating world of trees and forestry WOOD collection 2024 [JAPAN ReWOOD] <TOKYO BIGSIGHT / Stone and Light Plaza / Flower Plaza>
- 2024-08-17 ~ 2024-08-18
- Ariake south area

How many jobs related to trees and forests do you know about?
We depend on various craftspeople to turn wood from the forest into furniture and interior decorations for our homes.They include foresters who grow the trees, loggers who cut the timber down, and carpenters who assemble the processed wood.This event will feature many fun and educational activities, from woodworking workshops and log-cutting experiences to demonstrations of machinery used in forests, such as chainsaws.
Both children and adults alike will have a thrilling time exploring the untold world of forestry and timber-related jobs!
◆Event Outline
- Event Date
August 17, 2024 (Saturday) 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
August 18, 2024 (Sunday) 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM - Venue
【Indoor Area】
TOKYO BIGSIGHT South Halls 1 & 2
【Outdoor Area】
Symbol Promenade Park Stone and Light Plaza / Flower Plaza - Sponsor
Tokyo Metropolitan Government, WOOD collection Committee
Event Information
Period2024-08-17 ~ 2024-08-18
ContactWOOD collection 2024「JAPAN ReWOOD」 management office
Contact (E-mail)