Yu Aijun’s personal exhibition “Golden Black”<Shun Art Gallery Tokyo>

  • 2020-09-05 ~ 2020-10-18
  • Daiba area

Shun Art Gallery Tokyo The 3rd exhibition will simultaneously hold two of Japan's first solo exhibitions of artists Zhang Haijun (Zhang Haijun) and Yu Aijun (Yu Ai-jun) who live in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province.

Yu Aijun (Yu Aijun) was born in Zhuanghe, Liaoning Province in 1971. In 2004, he graduated from LuXun Academy of Fine Arts in Shenyang and received a bachelor's degree. He is currently working as a lecturer of the oil painting department at LuXun Academy of Fine Arts.
Yu Aijun is an artist with varied expressions such as paintings, installations, videos, and literary works, and is a prolific producer of a variety of series.
Since 2006, he has exhibited in a number of contemporary art exhibitions, with works collected by museums, groups and individuals around the world.

In 2018, he held a one-man exhibition at Art Basel Hong Kong, which was highly evaluated. This is the first personal exhibition in Japan, so please take this opportunity to see the works.
In this exhibition, we will introduce an installation style and express the richness of the variation that is the feature of Yu Aijun's works.

Period: Saturday, September 5 to Sunday, October 18, 2020
Venue: 3F Clinic Mall 2-2-4, Daiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Event Information

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