Sunday August 26: Find Chirimen Monster-Umi no manabiya/Waku Waku Kids Park<Venue: Museum of Maritime Science>

  • 2018-08-26 ~ 2018-08-26

Let's find the mysterious monsters living inside the Chirimenboshi (the dried young anchovies) or Chirimenjako (the dried young sardines)! 

By observation the mystery of these various kind, size and color of the monsters inside the sardines, you may find out what kind of creatures living in the ocean?

Let's find your favorite Chirimen Monster!

Date: Sunday August 26th, 2018


1st session: 11:00 - 12:00 (20 persons)

2nd session: 13:30 - 14:30 (20 persons)

Venue: Exhibition Annex

Target: Primary School Students and below

Admission: free

Please visit the organizer's website for more details.

Event Information

Places to See in the Area

  • MAP(PDF)
  • 臨海副都心エリアのメタTourismマップ
  • お台場の歩き方
  • FREE Wifi