Scientist Talk: Can Developmental Disorders be Explained with DNA? – Inclusive Society Begins with Understanding<Venue: Miraikan>

  • 2018-02-04 ~ 2018-02-04

Within the fields of psychology and pedagogy, research into developmental disorders has progressed. Through the development of genome analysis techniques, as well as the study of the nervous system, the mechanisms behind the outbreak of such disorders are being scientifically explained.

At this event, researchers will explain at the cellular level, the nature of disorders on the autism spectrum. One of the difficulties associated with developmental disorders is the fact that often, the condition is not readily apparent, and both the sufferer and the people are them are ill-equipped to cope. Stemming from this are difficulties with integrating into normal social life.

However, if the fundamental mechanisms are comprehended, based on the understanding that we all possess variations in our genome, then the perceived gap between those with a disorder and those without will no longer be viewed as a distinct barrier.

This event is an opportunity not just to acquire the latest scientific knowledge, but to explore the meaning of ‘understanding’ in relation to disabilities, and to think productively about a more inclusive society.

Date: Sunday February 4th 2018

Time: 14:30–15:30

Venue: Miraikan, 5F, Small Studio

* We ensure that provisions will be made for those who are hard of hearing

Capacity: Approx 40 (In the event that capacity is reached, standing room is available)

Fee: Cost of admission only

For more details please visit the organizer’s website.

Event Information
  • Period
    2018-02-04 ~ 2018-02-04
  • Location

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