Scientist Quest March 2018 Lineup<Venue: Miraikan>

  • 2018-03-03 ~ 2018-03-18

Saturday March 3 2018:
Why does medicine make us feel better when we are ill? Think about the future of medical science while learning about how medicine functions.

Sunday March 4 2018:
A discussion about the so-called ‘superathlete sports’ made possible through developments in sporting technology. Think together about a future where we can all enjoy sport.

Sunday March 18 2018:
What happens on a day-to-day basis at a nursing home? Let’s think about the future of nursing services.

① 12:30–13:00, ② 15:30–16:00

* Events will be held twice per date.

* Accompanying each event will be a 15 minute talk show and 15 minute round table discussion with researchers.

Venue: Miraikan 5F, Small Studio

For: Elementary school 4th grade pupils and above

Capacity: 30 per session

For more details please visit the organizer’s website.

Event Information
  • Period
    2018-03-03 ~ 2018-03-18
  • Location

Places to See in the Area

  • MAP(PDF)
  • 臨海副都心エリアのメタTourismマップ
  • お台場の歩き方
  • FREE Wifi