The AI Suitcase’s technology<Miraikan>

  • 2023-01-26 ~ 2023-01-29
  • Aomi area

The AI Suitcase is an autonomous navigation robot that is being developed to help the blind or people with difficulty seeing stay mobile.
At first glance, the devices look like ordinary suitcases, but they are equipped with sensors, AI (artificial intelligence), and motors that help to guide pedestrians safely around obstacles and people. This event will introduce AI suitcase technology and its progressing development through an exhibit featuring the actual equipment, demonstrations, and a guided walking activity.

◆Exhibit: What goes into making the AI Suitcase

Each successive AI suitcase model will be put on display along with panels explaining the technology they contain.

◎Event Outline

  • Party
    Japanese Academy of Sciences 1st Class Comuniction Lobby
  • Time
    January 26th (Thursday), 28th (Saturday), 29th (Sunday) 10:00 - 17:00

◆Demonstration: The AI Suitcase's predictive technology

The AI suitcase uses AI to recognize and predict the movement of people around it. The developers will explain how the AI Suitcase makes these predictions and is able to move smoothly using real time video from the AI Suitcase's camera.

◎Event Outline

  • Venue
    National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation 1F Communication Lobby
  • Duration
    [Thursday, January 26] ①14:00, ②14:30 (about 10 minutes)
    [January 28th (Sat), 29th (Sun)] ①11:00, ②11:30, ③14:00, ④14:30 (about 10 minutes)
  • number of people
    About 30 people
  • How to participate
    No advance reservation required, come directly to the venue

◆Activity: Guided walking using the AI Suitcase

Join to experience the AI suitcase guiding you around people and obstacles for yourself.

◎Event Outline

  • Venue
    National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation 1F Communication Lobby and Symbol Zone
  • Duration
    [Thursday, January 26] 15:00-16:00
    [January 28th (Sat), 29th (Sun)] ①10:00-11:00, ②13:00-14:00, ③15:00-16:00
  • number of people
    About 4 people each time (experience of about 10 minutes per person)
  • Participation requirements
    You must be 13 years of age or older and have no issues walking to participate (you may participate whether or not you have visual impairments).
  • How to participate
    Obtain a number ticket at the reception desk in the Communication Lobby on the first floor. (Tickets will be distributed from 10am each morning the event is being held on. Ticket distribution will end when the number of participants reaches its maximum capacity.)

Event Information

Places to See in the Area

  • MAP(PDF)
  • 臨海副都心エリアのメタTourismマップ
  • お台場の歩き方
  • FREE Wifi